FROM THE BOOK JACKET: In the vein of acclaimed popular-science bestsellers such as Atlas Obscura, Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry, The Way Things Work, What If?, and Undeniable, the co-founders of the global science organization Nerd Nite bring readers a collection of wacky, yet fascinating STEM topics.

For 20 years, Nerd Nite has delivered to live audiences around the world, the most interesting, fun, and informative presentations about science, history, the arts, pop culture, you name it. There hasn't been a rabbit hole that their army of presenters hasn't been afraid to explore. Finally, after countless requests to bring Nerd Nite to more fans across the globe, co-founders and college pals Matt Wasowski and Chris Balakrishnan are bringing readers the quirky and accessible science content that they crave in book form, focused on STEM and paired with detailed illustrations that make the content pop. The resulting range of topics is quirky and vast, from kinky, spring-loaded spiders to the Webb telescope's influence on movie special effects.

Hilariously named after Dale Carnegie's iconic book, How to Win Friends and Influence Fungi features narratives, bursts, and infographics on all things STEM from scientists around the world. Chapters are sure to make you laugh-out-loud, with titles such as "The Science of the Hangover," "What Birds Can Teach Us About the Impending Zombie Apocalypse," and "Lessons from the Oregon Trail."

With fascinating details, facts, and illustrations, combined with Chris and Matt's incredible connections to organizations such as the Discovery Network and the Smithsonian Institution, How to Win Friends and Influence Fungi is sure to reach joyful STEM enthusiasts of all ages around the world.


Chris Balakrishnan founded Nerd Nite when he was a graduate student in evolutionary biology at Boston University. Nerd Nite was born of a Boston bar owner's curiosity about Chris' ornithological adventures and Chris' goal of making science more accessible.

Matt Wasowski is a professional curator, programmer, writer, and events producer. He has been the Big Boss of Nerd Nite since 2006. And that's not even his day job. After spending a few years writing for magazines and weeklies, he led the marketing team of Wimba, the first web conferencing company for higher education. He moved on to work at ReedPOP, where he led the programming of mega-conferences such as BookExpo, BookCon, Star Trek Mission, and New York Comic Con Presents, and now he organizes conferences for SAE International, the association of engineers who build cars and planes of the future. He holds a BA from the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication and an MFA in Non-Fiction Creative Writing from The New School.

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