Teen Book Club

No Better Than Beasts

Z. R. Ellor


Nabik, a soldier, owes his loyalty to his elder brother Fydir, who lifted him and their sister, Drakne, from poverty. But when Fydir orders him to quell unrest among the city's beastfolk, the magic Nabik had long buried begins to stir. A wintery voice urges Nabik to desert his post--and his brother's watchful eye to journey north into Kolznechia, a frozen, enchanted kingdom ruled by the mercurial Rat King. His power may hold the key to breaking an ancient curse and ending the Rat King's terrible reign.

Drakne will do whatever it takes to break free of Fydir. As Nabik follows all of their eldest brother's commands, her best hope of escaping is to seek the protection of the Rat King. And the tyrant king has been looking for Drakne too. She has a gift that can help him find and kill the missing nutcracker prince, rightful heir to his stolen throne.

When the nutcracker prince emerges, Nabik and Drakne take opposite sides of a centuries-old conflict--him to save a kingdom, her to save herself. Then Fydir marches into the growing war, hungry to claim power of his own, and if Nabik and Drakne can't fix their broken bond, Kolznechia may be torn apart by tooth and claw...


Zabé "Z. R." Ellor grew up in Washington, DC and narrowly escaped a career in the sciences to write and agent novels. He holds a BA in English Lit and biology from Cornell University. When not writing, he can be found running, playing video games, and hunting the best brunch deals in Dupont Circle.

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