NonFiction Book Club

CABIN: Off the Grid Adventures with a Clueless Craftsman

Patrick Hutchison


Wit's End isn't just a state of mind. It's the name of a gravel road, the address of a run-down off-the-grid cabin, 120 shabby square feet of fixer-upper Patrick Hutchison purchased on a whim in the mossy woods of the Cascade Mountains in Washington state.

To say Hutchison didn't know what he was getting into is no more an exaggeration than to say he's a man with nearly zero carpentry skills. Well, used to be. You can learn a lot over six years of renovations.

Cabin is the story of those renovations, but it's also a love story; of a place, of possibilities, and of the process of construction, of seeing what could be instead of what is. It is a book for those who know what it's like to bite off more than you can chew, or who desperately wish to.

Patrick HutchisonABOUT THE AUTHOR: 

Patrick Hutchison is a writer and builder from the Pacific Northwest. His work has appeared in Outside, Wired, Vice, Seattle magazine, and Seattle Weekly. He grew up in Washington State's rainy southwest corner, eventually moving to Seattle to attend the University of Washington. Working on the cabin described in his debut book inspired him to leave copywriting to pursue carpentry. He now finds himself most often in the woods, working on tiny homes, cabins, and treehouses. When he isn't building, you'll find him at his home in Tacoma, WA, where he lives with his wife, Kate, and their black lab, Marge. Cabin is his first book.

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